Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rough Schedule

Friday, 23rd - People Arrive and Set Up Camp

Saturday, 24th -

8am Breakfast (Provided)
-followed by Welcome and Get to Know You (yes I know we are all family but this is to get us all reacquainted)

Lunch is fend for yourselves =)

1pm Pictures - We would love to get group pictures and family pictures of everyone who comes this year.

3pm Family Auction - We ask that every family bring at least TWO items to auction off (more is always appreciated)

6:30pm Dinner - We will provide the meat and Dutch oven potatoes we are assigning each family a salad, side or dessert to accompany the meal. (Find that below)

Sunday, 25th- We are thinking of having some games and crafts. We realize a lot of people will probably go home on Sunday as well. =)

Family Meal Assignments -

These will go by family we ask that each individual family bring what is assigned so that there will be enough for everyone.

If you are a descendant of:

Erik -Salad

Elvin - Salad

LaVerna - Dessert

Kenny - Dessert

Cleo -Side

Deanna - Side

Emma Lea - Side

Rose - Salad

Wayne - Dessert

Willard - Side

Jeff - Salad

Kathryn - Dessert

Tammy - Side

Thanks and we can't wait to see you there!!!

P.S. And as always if anyone has any ideas please feel free to let us know. =)


DANIELLE said...

AHH!!! I can't handle the typos! So, do you want people to bring the hot, dry, dusty DESERT or the scrumptious, edible, wonderful DESSERT??

You know I couldn't resist. ;)

Wish I could come!

Kerri Marie said...

=P It's fixed now. LOL